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바이올리니스트 양고운
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"악보가 요구하는 곡의 매력을 넘어서는 연주, 세련되고 독창적인
음악적 표현으로 높은 완성도를 보여주는 드문 연주자”
(La Libre Belgique 신문)
“최고의 전문성과 성숙함으로 사랑스러움과 우아함을 선사하는 연주가”
(iL Gazzettino 신문)
바이올리니스트 양고운은 섬세하고 지적인 연주와 새로운 것을 향한 끊임
없는 노력으로 상징되는 대한민국의 대표적 연주자이다.
그는“순수 국내파의 국제 콩쿠르 입상”의 첫 주자로 1991년 파가니니
국제 콩쿠르 입상,국내 음악계에 새로운 역사를 만들며 그 화려한 경력을
시작하였다. 19세 비르투오조 바이올리니스트로 출발하여 베를린 막스 로스탈
국제 콩쿠르 1등, 티보 바르가 국제 바이올린 콩쿠르 입상 등 네 차례의 국제 콩쿠르
입상을 통해 그 실력을 인정받았으며, 이후 매해 성숙을 더해 더욱 깊이 있는 음악과 다양한
레퍼토리, 개성 있는 음색으로 청중들을 사로잡고 있다.
2001년 귀국 후 양고운은 개성 있는 해설과 함께 <무반주 바이올린의 세계>, <러시아의 근대음악의 이해>, <바흐 소나타와 파르티타 전곡 연주를
통해 본 바흐의 신앙철학>, <바이올린으로 연주되는 슈베르트와 슈만의 가곡> 등 특별한 주제를 지닌 음악회들을 기획하여 청중들에게 기존 음악
회의 평범함을 벗어난 새로운 기쁨을 선사하였다. 이외에도 2005년에는 홋카이도 초청 연주회를 통해 일본 청중들과의 교류를 성공리에 마쳤으며,
2009년에는 모든 음악인들의 꿈의 데뷔 무대인 런던 위그모어 홀에서의 초청 독주회를 성공적으로 마쳤다.
또한 뮌헨 심포니커, 모스크바 필하모닉, 프라하 방송 교향악단, 비엔나 컨서트 페어라인, 영국 더비 필하모닉, 영국 첼튼햄 심포니 오케스트라,
르비브 필하모닉, 비엔나 모차르트 오케스트라, 북경중앙오케스트라, 상해필하모닉 오케스트라, KBS 교향악단, 서울시향, 부천시향, 수원시향,
인천시향, 대구시향 등 국내외의 저명한 교향악단과 함께 국내와 유럽무대에서 솔리스트로서 활발한 연주 활동을 계속 해오고 있으며, 실내악
활동에 있어서도 2001년 창단한 토너스 트리오의 활동을 포함, 다양한 그룹을 망라하는 주목 받는 연주활동을 통해 한국 음악계의 선두 주자로서
역할을 충실히 해내고 있다.
“KBS 오케스트라와의 차이코프스키 협연 CD (KBS 미디어)”,“Ysaye Sonata 전집 (Sony Music)”,“바이올린 켜는 엄마 (Sony Music)”,“낭만적
소품집 CD (NICES)”와 “한국의 연주자 시리즈 CD (KBS 미디어, 2회)”, ”크라이슬러 바이올린 소품집”등을 출반한 양고운은 서울대학교 음악
대학을 거쳐 뉴잉글랜드 콘서바토리의 학•석사 과정과 뮌헨 국립음대 최고 연주자 과정을 졸업하였으며, 부천 필하모닉 오케스트라의 악장을
역임하고 현재 경희대학교 교수로 재직 중이다.
사사 : 이민용, 김민, 김남윤, James Buswell, Robert Lipsett, Felix Andrievsky, Gottfried Schneider
violinist Yang Kowoon
korean profile
Her Bach grasped my mind with refined tone and expression. Her style reached almost
perfect and her inner beauty was shown properly in her music. Her fuga was discreet
and humble as well as intensive. She showed technical perfection and precious and
careful originality.
She played beyond the piece’s attraction with superb expression of great sensibility.
-La Libre Belgique, Belguim
She interestingly re-interpretated and soothed the melody which could be harsh to the ear.
-Il Piccolo, Italy
She performed with great maturity and specialty, giving loveliness and elegance to
the concerto.
-Il Gazzettino, Italy
Ms. Yang’s performance brought joy as well as surprise because her elegant and
intelligent expression based on knowledge of the music suggested the possibility of
deep musical apprehension for young musicians.
-The Hankook Daily Newspaper, Korea
Ms. Yang managed such a big piece very well with composure and endurance supported by solid technique.
-The Choong Ang Newspaper, Korea
She had a magic to have audience be absorbed in her performance. She expressed her feelings powerfully, yet she was very
careful delivering them to the audience, controlling her temporary feelings for each note and purifying them for better
-Monthly Gaek-Sok Art Magazine, Korea
Sometimes calmly and carefully, sometimes passionately, she drove the audience to where she wanted to go. she had a
flawless technique and she was very skillful with controlling her emotions. It was valuable time for audience to taste
the highly qualified, solidly organized classical music.
-Monthly Gaek-Sok Art Magazine, Korea
Ms. Yang’s successful performance brought the enthusiastic applause until encore piece was played.
-The Chosun Newspaper, Korea
Born in Seoul, Korea, Kowoon Yang is one of the leading violinists in Korea with outstanding talent and delicate musical
technique. Her many prizes and awards include 1st prize in Max Rostal International Violin Competition in 1998, 4th prize
in Lipizer International Violin Competition in 1998, 5th prize in the 38th Paganini International Violin Competition in
1991, Musafia prize in the 29th Tibor Varga International Competition in 1995, and the first and second prizes in numerous
leading national competitions in Korea such as The Hankook, The Chosun, The Choong-Ang and others. For her contributions
to the music community in Korea, she received Unpa Music Award in 1992. And she was also selected as one of the best
musicians in Korea by KBS (Korea Broadcasting System) for her profound musical ability and achievements in the performing arts.
She has been presented as a soloist in Korea, Japan, Moscow, Ukraine, England, Italy, Germany, Austria, Czeck Republic,
and China with major orchestras including Muenchener Symphoniker, Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Wien Mozart Orchestra,
Wien Concert Ferrein Orchestra, Cheltenham Symphony Orchestra, KBS Symphony Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra,
Bei-jing Central Orchestra, Shang-hi Symphony Orchestra, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, L’viv Philharmonic Orchestra,
and others. She was invited as a soloist from Bregenz Festival in 2002, and also invited to play solo recital in Hotkkaido,
Japan in “Culture Day” in 2005. She was invited from “Korea Orchestra Festival” in 1996 and 2002 to play with KBS
Symphony and Suwon Philharmonic, and especially with her performance of Carl Nielsen’s Violin Concerto with KBS Symphony
Orchestra, she received an astonishing reaction with a review of “the perfect performance with full of passion for the
music” by KBS FM Radio Broadcast. Her recent London debut recital at Wigmore Hall.in 2008 was also very successful.
Ms. Yang is also involved in lots of chamber music activities. She won the Honors Quartet Audition at the New England
Conservatory in 1997 and gave concerts around Boston as a cultural ambassador of New England Conservatory, including
recital in Jordan Hall in Boston. Since 2001, she organized the Tonos Piano Trio, and has given many concerts around Korea.
She recorded Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with KBS Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dmitri Kitaenko. She also recorded her
solo album Ysaye Violin sonatas under Sony Music Korea. Other CDs include solo album under NICES label in 1994, and CD
series under the title of “Korean Musicians” in 1992 & 2001 produced by KBS-FM.
Ms. Yang studied at the Seoul High School of Music & Art and Seoul National University under Min-Yong Lee, Min Kim, and
Nam-Yun Kim, and received a Bachelor’s Degree and Masters Degree from the New England Conservatory of Music under the
guidance of James Buswell. After finishing one year of Advanced Study Program at the University of Southern California
with Robert Lipsett, she studied privately with Felix Andrievsky in London. In 2001, she graduated “Meisterklasse” course
in Hochschule für Musik in München under Gottfried Schneider. She is now playing concerts around the world as well as
teaching at Kyunghee University in Korea.